2024/10: I presented a poster at NELS 55.** My poster is titled ``Conditional wh-questions with VP Ellipsis'' (**poster).
2024/09: My collaborators Jia Ren and Qiuhao Charles Yan presented a poster at SuB 29. Our poster is titled ``Quantificational Determiners vs. Partitive Nouns in Mandarin Chinese''.
2024/06: I gave a talk at SCiL 2024. The talk is titled ``CCG parsing effort and surprisal jointly predict RT but underpredict garden-path effects'' (slides). This is joint work with Aniello De Santo, Tal Linzen and Brian Dillon.
2024/01: I gave a talk at LSA 2024. My talk is titled ``A
phonotactic/tonotactic grammar for Tokyo Japanese that clusters by lexical
strata does not overfit'' (slides).